
Showing posts from 2012

RDLC / RDL report - How to determine last row in Tablix/Table

we need to use Count() and RowNumber() functions to check the last row Count() function returns total number of given dataset.  RowNumber() function returns current row number Finally,  = iif (COUNT(Fields!EntityID.Value,"DatasetName") = RowNumber("DatasetName"), "Solid","Default") Click the cell in the table row and select the bottom expression Bottom expression Result: first column is showing bottom line with each cell but second column is only showing column with the last cell.

GOOGLE privacy policy New Rule 1 March 2012 (How to turn the settings off to stop sharing your personal information)

Google has implemented new privacy policy from 1st March 2012. The change means private data collected by one Google service can be shared with its other platforms including YouTube, Gmail and Blogger.   Take following steps to limit Google's ability to track and record your every move online. What this mean is that while Google will continue gathering and storing information about web history it will make all data anonymous. Google will not associate your web history information with your online account. Follow the following steps 1. Go to the Google homepage and sign into your account. 2. Click the drop-down menu next to your name in the upper-right hand corner of your screen. 3. Click accounts settings 4. Find the "Services section" 5. Under "Services" there is a sub-section that reads "View, enable, disable web history." Click the link next to it that reads: "Go to Web History."  (Note: When you click "Go to We...

How to get Table structure/Column information using SQL Query

There are different ways to fetch database 'Tables' or 'Views' structure INFORMATION_SCHEMA views: Microsoft has introduced 20 different views to fetch helpful database information as part of SQL Server database 2005 and onward. We will use 'columns' view to fetch table structure information In my openion,  this is the easiest way to fetch table structure information e.g., column name, data type, size, isnullable, table schema etc. to fetch table structure select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where TABLE_NAME = 'tablename' or select column_name, data_type, is_nullable, character_maximum_length from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where TABLE_NAME = 'tablename' using database name as prefix select *  from database. INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns where TABLE_NAME = 'tablename' ----------------------------------- syscolumns & systypes: Getting columns and other structural information of a table select name ,...

Accessing HttpContext within Class Library ( Business Object) VB.Net

Accessing HttpContext within Class Library ( Business Object) VB.Net Add System.Web as a reference to the class library. Right click class library and then Add reference and from .Net select System.Web to add

Using Request.Url in Class Library ( Business Object) Vb.Net

Using Request.Url in Class Library ( Business Object) Vb.Net Dim m_MapPath As String = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority

Using ResolveUrl in Class Library ( Business object) VB.Net

Using ResolveUrl in Class Library ( Business object) VB.Net Dim page As System.Web.UI.Page = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler Dim m_ImagePath As String =  page.ResolveUrl(WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ImagePath").ToString())